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Main Description Of My Innovation.

 Title of Innovation is:

“Detachable Device for the bicycle enabling user to ride with one leg and also attached a Hand Operated Portable Side Stand.”

 Generally, we have seen that handicapped people who have one leg, use tricycle or 4 wheeler scooters  / cars.

 But by using that they feel as they are some about different creatures in the society.

 Because common people uses bicycles and 2 wheeler vehicles as there common means of  transportation.

 And by seeing them they feel as they are different from them.

 And also each and every handicapped people can’t afford car or scooter or tricycle.

 But at least everyone can afford a bicycle.

 And so I thought why they don’t use bicycle. As everyone uses it for common means of transportation.

 By using bicycle they can feel as they are common man. And they can also afford it.

 There are 2 devices made by me by which any handicapped person who have one leg can ride      bicycle.

                   1st is Detachable Device                               2nd is Hand Operated Portable Side Stand.












Features of Detachable Device:

   " Handicapped person has to give a half paddle and half paddle will be given                                             by detachable device."

  • Detachable device can be attached on any common bicycle.

  • This device can be attached on both the side of the bicycle as per PH person’s requirement.

  • Detachable device does not need any maintenance.

  • No alteration is needed in any common bicycle to attach this.



Features of Hand Operated Portable Side Stand:

  • This side stand gives them support as their 2nd leg so that they can ride bicycle safely.

  • They can use it on starting cycling, at traffic post, at any emergency and at parking place.

  • Its attachment process is so easy that even a blacksmith of village can attach or detach it.

  • Both devices are made of stainless steel so they have very less weight and so handicapped person doesn’t have to carry much weight.

  • By this we can conclude as by using these both devices handicapped person who have one leg can ride bicycle with one leg easily, safely and comfortably. It is also very much useful for injured soldiers, temporarily disabled people, etc.


 Achievements :

 [1] IGNITE 2014 Award

 [2] INSEF 2015 Gold Medal

 [3] IRIS Micro Sci. Fair 2015 Gold Medal.

 [4] Attended National Conference on Social Innovation as a Youngest Innovator in 2016.

       Innovation is applied for patent registration in 2014.

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